Monday, December 8, 2008

╠ Gruen Vs Zero Punc ╣

My animblog appeared to be a rather large success. People seemed to like it and I think I shall continue on. However one change I may try is to shorten the videos to about 1 minute length shots. Here's hoping it still is spiffiriffic.

However it has become apparent that with a lot of people all they see is a Zero Punctuation Clone. When deciding how to do this I thought about what style to use. chose to work on a previous style I had developed in that of a simple character with just balls for hands.

On the right is my earlier work in this style in 3D. Since I had done this before I perceived it to simply be a style as opposed to something there was a monopoly on.
I was hoping people would simply consider the Zero Punc videos to be a style and therefore not a negative when it is utilized inside a different field. However reading responses it appears I am wrong.

Personally since this is the style I first got into 3D with and now am branching into using it for my blog I'm quite attached. I'm confident with it and believe this is the way I can make the aniblog work best.

However the problem I am facing is that I do not want to be perceived as stealing views via unofficial association. I already seem to have that via the Gruen title so I don't want it more.

So I suppose the question I am posing is that does Zero Punctuation have a monopoly on this style and therefore should I change in order to follow my own path or can I continue on as I want to without risking enraging a fanbase? Any insight is welcome so let me know how you feel.


Ryan M said...

I'm a fan of Zero Punctuation and I don't see a problem with it.

Using the same animation style is a great way to press and expand the animation medium.

If we want to get technical about who started the no arm floating hands thing we could trace that back to Madness Combat (in flash toons) or even Rayman in video games.

I think that you should just do what you want and forget what everyone else things. Zero Punc himself doesn't work without earning copious amounts of criticism - he just doesn't care.

And neither should you.

Tannie said...

Thanks for that. It's good to hear something like that. The other's doing it first is a good point. I think I was simply thinking about it the wrong way.