Friday, November 27, 2009

╠ Apologies with meaning ╣

I got an interesting email earlier today which basically said that ebay was sorry for an inconvenience I may have experienced with my last transaction. Now I don't really know what inconvenience they were referring to...but they attached a 10% off voucher. Basically meaning I can now go and buy something big and shiny and save 10% after I just spent $7 on a trinket.

At first I was confused because I wondered how ebay could do it considering they don't own what they 'sell'. But it makes's a nice offer, encourages repeat purchase and actually means something because it literally is out of their back pocket.

Additionally what I like is it is conforming to a norm that people are used to from bricks and mortar retailers and using it to segway them into online auctions.

So Kudos off to buy a yacht!

1 comment:

Nathan Bush said...

Nice - that's a great $7 investment!