Thursday, March 11, 2010

╠ Boy is dead around here! ╣

Apologies for my inactivity around here. Every year I have periods of heavy activity and unfortunately some things fall by the wayside. One thing I have found is that marketing is definitely something you have to stay active in. The longer you go without using it or thinking about it you forget.

I fear for the marketing grads who have to wait 6 months to get their first job and don't do anything active like blogging.

Anyway I was walking to work the other day and I noticed this truck drive past. I thought it was one of the most clever thigns I've seen in a while. It attracts attention wherever it goes but also has positive connotations. The material they used is commonly associated with fresh or health which is a good thing for water. On top of this what I think is really good is that it probably wasn't that expensive so it's certainly a win-win situation. So kudos Another Bloody Water

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